

Portable Toothbrush Sterilizer UTC-3450
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Cracker portable toothbrush sterilizer

Product Features
▶ Complete sterilization of UV-C LED
▶ Toothbrush sterilization in 3 minutes
▶ Detachable toothbrush holder
▶ Convenient C-type charging
▶35 operations with a single charge
▶ Practical mirror interior


Meet the cracker toothbrush sterilizer that is as crisp and refreshing as crackers! 


 Do you know that?
The toothbrush I use every day is actually a ball of germs
200 times more germs than a toilet seat





Essential items for oral cleanliness
UTOREX Cracker Toothbrush Sterilizer

- Sterilization. -
Visible sterilization

In just three minutes, the bacteria levels drop noticeably!
After using the cracker toothbrush sterilizer
Bacterial level decreased from 1929 to '0'



Strong sterilization with UV-C LED
The ultraviolet sterilization file 264nm
The most sterilization is excellent.
The cracker toothbrush uses UV-C LED, a sterilization file 264 nm.


Safety and health with eco-friendly UV-C LEDs
Use eco-friendly UV-C LEDs without worrying about secondary damage to chemicals,

heavy metals, etc Safe use is possible.


99.9% sterilization certified
Passing the nationally accredited KCL test

It's from a state-certified sterilization authority
A 22-year-old who passed a rigorous testing process
Utorex Sterilization Specialized Supplies

[CFU reduction test]

1. Before use
2. after use

Mutans bacteria ▶ MRSA ▶ Yellow Staphylococcus aureus ▶ Salmonella bacteria ▶ colon bacillus



a crisp sterilizer that resembles a crackers

A toothbrush sterilizer that resembles a cute cracker removes harmful bacteria.


 Mini size and portable, GOOD
Small size makes it easy to carry.


a removable drip tray

with a removable drip tray
Good for cleaning and maintenance.



Use wall mounts with powerful magnets

With a powerful magnet inside
You can use it as a wall mount.


double-sided tape | wall-mounted steel | neodymium magnet


Clear finish with mirror door!
Cracker toothbrush sterilizer applies mirror door
After brushing your teeth, you'll be responsible for the finish.


- How to use the product -
The lid is still closed after 3 minutes of automatic operation
Germs don't reproduce. It doesn't have a drying function
Please brush your toothbrush and store it after brushing your teeth.

01. Press the button to open the lid
02. Put the toothbrush in. (Stretch the toothbrush.)
03. When UV-C LED is activated and sterilized for 3 minutes,
the lid is closed even after the light is
automatically turned off Germs don't reproduce.


- How to charge the product -
Buffer lasts 2-3 hours and can be used for about 15 days (two times per day for 3 minutes)

01. Connecting Type C Charging Cable to the Body
02. Full charge for 2-3 hours


About UTOREX Cracker Toothbrush Sterilizer

Q1. The lights will go out in 3 minutes, but isn't it sterilizing?
A1. However, it boasts a perfect sterilization power with 3 minutes. Since sterilization is sufficient in 3 minutes,
the LED light goes out. However, since the lid is closed, sterilization is not reproduced, so you can use it with confidence.

Q2. Does it also have a toothbrush drying function?
A2. Only sterilization is applied using UV-C LED. There is no wind or dry air.
However, it dries naturally with a double vent system.

Q3. Isn't sterilization breeding when the toothbrush is wet?
A3. Since the sterilizer is theoretically sterilized and killed all bacteria
Even if the toothbrush is wet, germs do not reproduce.
It is recommended to dry out enough water before storing the toothbrush.

Q4. How do I know if it's sterilized?
A4. It can be seen by the light in the gap between the sterilization indicator lamp and the toothbrush.

Q5. Does it include an electric toothbrush or a large toothbrush?
Q5. As it is manufactured in a minimal size, it is difficult to use a large toothbrush and an electric toothbrush.
(Made in average size for toothbrushes)




Product specification

UTC-3450 Cracker Toothbrush Sterilizer

Model name | UTC-3450 cracker toothbrush sterilizer
Color | Aqua, Mint
Battery Safety Check | XU101584-18001
Electromagnetic compatibility registration number | R-R-LHY-UTC-3100
Rated voltage | Lithium polymer 3.7 Vdc / 300 mAh / 0.4 W
Charging method | C-type charging, 2 to 3 hours full charging
Source of Income | UTOREX
제조원 | Pingyang Beker / China (OEM)
Sterilization | Ultraviolet UV-C LED Sterilization 99.9%
Usage time | 3 minutes per day 2 times / About 15 days
Material | ABS
Weight | 54g
Size | 58×58×29 (mm)
warranty period | one year from the date of purchase
Customer Center | 031-572-1995



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